Thursday, November 21, 2013

American Schools: Our role model, really?

Here follows an article published in Time Magazine back in September 2011. Your task is to complete the gaps in the text, and not to look at the key until the very end! You're also very welcome to think about the similarities between what was happening in the US two years ago, and what is happening right now -right this very week in fact-, in our country.

We're living sad times concerning our education system: Yesterday the most infamous law of education  in the history of this country was passed in Congress... Nevertheless, today I would like to thank all of you who are opposing this terrible reality one way or another, and encourage you all to continue expressing yourselves, and defending your freedom of speech, and of thought.

Onward and upward!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

So what are we really like then?

Now that we all know the difference between how we see ourselves and what we are really like, I'd like to share with you some more adjectives which may help you pin down your character traits more precisely... One of your fellow students sent me this nice home-made list of adjectives over the email, just click on  this link below to look for your exact definition in English!

In case your personality is a bit too complex and you need more words to define yourself, go for the big catalogue below!

Thanks a lot Carmen! and you guys enjoy your weekend!